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Regent Access

Eliminate enrollment barriers for non-US citizens

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Deliver a FAFSA-like Experience


Regent Access converts the cumbersome, paper-based state financial aid application for students who are not US citizens into a user-friendly, responsive online experience that mirrors the FAFSA. 

In production statewide in Colorado, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington, Massachusetts, Regent Access minimizes the time and resources required to process applications, while providing non-US citizens with an intuitive, automated experience that takes them one step closer to attaining a higher education degree. 

With Regent Access, your institution can be up and running with an online, FAFSA-like experience within 60 days of licensing. Regent Access also integrates with Regent Award, enabling you to automate the financial aid lifecycle across all education and enrollment models. As a result, you’ll increase efficiency, eliminate manual workflows and processes, promote smarter student borrowing, and exceed enrollment goals.

Make Accessing State Aid Easier

Increase in e-TAFSA applications

3 x

Increase in e-TAFSA applications
Manual receipt, processing, and tracking


Manual receipt, processing, and tracking
Staff efficiency


Staff efficiency
More aid to non-US citizens


More aid to non-US citizens

Eliminate Barriers to State Financial Aid Access

Gaining access to state financial aid is a challenge for non-US citizen student applicants. Manual, paper-based applications are frustrating for students and their families and inefficient for financial aid staff. To eliminate enrollment barriers, institutions need an automated and simplified application process.


University student with green sweater on computer

Helping Students Access State Financial Aid at University of North Texas (UNT)

Helping non-US citizen student applicants overcome enrollment barriers is a priority for UNT. Using Regent Access, UNT created a FAFSA-like experience that automated and simplified the application process for state aid for students, families, and staff. 

  • Implemented e-TAFSA to eliminate paper-based, manual processes using an intuitive interview format, personalized skip logic, and electronic signatures
  • Received three times the number of e-TAFSA applications in the first year
  • Materially increased state aid awarded to non-US citizen student applicants